Sì, viaggiare!

A brand new guesthouse in Verona! 

Our rooms, all with en-suite bathroom!

Our rooms, all with en-suite bathroom!

Our rooms, all with en-suite bathroom!

All brand new
at a cheap price!

Our prices are fair. we like give the opportunity to book a superior room with the cheapest price!

How do I check in?

After booking, you will receive a link to a web page where you can upload your ID. Afterwards you will receive a link to a web page with the commands to open the doors of your room. Our guesthouse is completely automatic, this is why our prices are soo low.

Do you serve breakfast?

No, we don't serve breakfast. In your room you will find a Nespresso coffee machine. At 50 meters inside the train station you can find a lot of cafes!

How far is "Arena"?

The "Arena" is a 15-minute walk away. You can also take a bus that arrives directly in 8 minutes. The bus stop is close to our house.

Casa Ferrovieri Verona

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Opening hours

Check-in from 14:00 to 20:00
Our guesthouse is a fully automatic check-in property. You can check-in by our app.

Locazione turistica: CIN: IT023091B4VJOHX5OY - CIR: 023091-LOC-03110
CIN: IT023091B4YSKHXMVY - CIR: 023091-LOC-03250
CIN: IT023091B4HNHU77A3 - CIR: 023091-LOC-03251

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